DPF Cleaner & Flush

DPF Cleaner & Flush

To be used with Wynn’s MultiSERVE
W18784 · 2000ml

Treatment of particulate filters that are blocked due to the presence of excessive solid deposits and that cannot be regenerated by normal methods. Wynn’s DPF Flush has specially been formulated as a DPF rinsing fluid. It must always be used after the treatment with Wynn’s DPF Cleaner.

  • DPF CLEANER (1): Eliminates most of the solid deposits present in particulate filters with serious clogging problems. Reduces the backpressure in the exhaust restoring correct operation of the engine, enabling it to leave limp home mode (warning lamp in certain vehicles).
  • DPF FLUSH (2): Always to be used after DPF Cleaner for completing the cleaning procedure. Neutralizes the alkalinity of DPF Cleaner and removes the dirt and the soot from the filter.
  • BOTH PRODUCTS: Do not affect the properties of the catalyst elements in the walls of the filters. Are chemically stable products. Are biodegradable.
Parts Effectiveness


Engine Diesel & Hybrid diesel

For diesel engines with all types of diesel particulate filters having serious clogging problems.

How to use

Do not add this product to your diesel tank.Both products to be used only with Wynn’s MultiSERVE – see operating manual. Use DPF Cleaner as first step in the DPF regenerating service of the MultiSERVE machine to soften the dirt inside the diesel particulate filter. Use DPF Flush as second step in the DPF regenerating service of the MultiSERVE machine to efficiently rinse the DPF and remove the majority of the dirt and soot particles from the filter.

Additional Information

Product Code
Units per case
Packaging Languages
2000 ml
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